In a time that is dominated by individualism, technological isolation, and loneliness– exacerbated by the pandemic–the search for belonging has been weaponized by political tribalism.
Each “side” is guilty of this. Trump speaks openly about marginalizing some segments of society, weaponizing our innate desire to belong. Harris is doing the opposite: trying to appeal to such a big tent that many call bs -- if everyone belongs, no one belongs.
Such tribalism is the dark twin of community, as David Brooks writes. It offers a false sense of belonging based on ignorance and shared hatred. Community, on the other hand, is a positive force, a connection based on fellowship, cooperation, and mutual affection.
We won’t find belonging through political movements or woke workplace cultures. Those are ephemeral distractions. We will find it by embarking on a deliberate process. Only then can we unlock our ability to find places where we truly fit in and eradicate the theatrics of tribalism.